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  • Writer's pictureAnne

Dark Phoenix On The Rise

Special Sneak Peek! I'm so excited to celebrate the release of "Dark Phoenix" with all the #xmen fans out there!

By chance I stumbled across #funkopop figurines for the first time and got the Dark Phoenix #bobblehead. Why, you ask? Well, because I am working on an amazing song at the moment, which is called "Like A Phoenix". It is dark, futuristic and innovative – just like the movie. And so I wanted to share a snippet of the song with you when the movie gets released. Get a sense of this out-of-the-box #hiphop tune that will be featuring the two amazing rappers and singers Komputer and Sarahfina from Flatbush (fun fact: birth place of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg), and enjoy listening and watching here!


Single coming out soon!
She's Excited! feat. Komputer & Sarahfina - "Like A Phoenix"

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