She's Excited! & Discoheads:
Tour Diary
NEW YORK: We’ve Come A Long Way!
It was a pretty spontaneous idea … Our friends Peter and his wife (who live in Vienna) wanted to come visit us in NYC, and around the same time I got involved with the Female:Pressure 20th anniversary party in New York. So I asked Peter: “What about playing a gig together in Manhattan?” Well, you know his answer!
See how easy it is to start planning a tour in between Brooklyn and Vienna? It’s all about saying YES!
After having put together a playlist, we figured: This is a lot of work – and all just for one gig? Let’s play some more shows! In New York, but also in Vienna (Peter’s hometown) and Munich (this is where we had met years ago. We both played in the Stoner Rock (!!!) band Raw Jaw back then).
We’ve come a long way, baby!
Said and done. We organized the venues and we needed: promo material!! A band photo? Well … everything is possible with photoshop!
Another “tiny” problem was: How can we practice together when the Atlantic Ocean lies in between us? Answer: We can’t. Oops. (Software programmers: Please invent this app asap!)
So each of us practiced on his/her own. Peter flew in on a Friday night. Saturday afternoon was our first gig: Figment Fest on Governor’s island. Meaning: We had our first band practice on stage. Lots of nerves and big fun!

The night before our first gig I had woken up and was worried: Did we have all the cables and adapters and stuff that we needed for our setup? Is it going to work? Quickly I came to a point where I thought: “All those worries … Fuck it! It’s gonna be awesome!” Hence the unofficial name of our tour:
The Sorge-Sorge-Fuck-It-World-Tour!
(For all the language lovers: “Sorge” is German for “worry”.)

So exciting! We had played in the U.S. for the first time! Holy Smokes! And in between gigs, we went to the beach and got a little surfing lesson from the electronic music producer Electric Djinn. We visited Instagram. We dove into the NYC nightlife. We bought neon ties for the show. And so much more.
The show at NuBlu was awesome: Female:Pressure 20th anniversary party!
Great musicians and DJs, a wonderful audience, a cool venue. Such a fun night!